Monday, February 19, 2007


Dementia (This is Last Grass)

As the margins blur
On a silent camaraderie
Of bohemian grace
Static electricity flows
In Pharaoh’s ante-chamber

Mystic lady beheld
The gilded, golden goblet
To the thirsty eyes
And let it flow down
Below the melting skies

Elephantine shoals
Swarmed over cities awash
Of silent memories
Stories long dead speak
On a past pleasant dream

Drink to the lees
Sirens whisper lullabies
To Ulysses here
As he slept content
Sinking into golden sand

Devils old and new
Now gather in earnest
They dance merrily
Around soul’s bonfire
Mist descends to warmth

On these hillsides
Of rocks and old moss
Disturbed on them
A spirit lingers singing
Till daisies lull and sleep

Ethereal foam rides
On waves of unseen beasts
From the depths
Of silent unimaginable
As the oceans lie in peace

Heavens crumble
To ashes of loneliness
Lemon grasses
Waft in the restless winds
Gently hang down sleepless

The barmaid flatters
To deceive intimate millions
Craved on flesh
Carved on scarred faces
Demented souls of the gods

The lone sentry stands
Holds the glister tipped spear
The century old stand
Of earth smeared red of blood
With souls rung tearless

Cauldron of destiny
Seethe on the horizon of dawn
Albatross of hope flies
Destiny woes the wings aged
Over the waves he sinks to rise

Like a bird endless
An idea boundless of time
Unspeakable silence
Of universe collapsing inside
The rhythm began churning round...and round...and round...and...


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