Wednesday, May 7, 2008



Here's a thought.

Music ain't supposed to mean a thing. Infact it isn't supposed to mean at all.


An early morning breeze over Juhu beach; grains of sands sprinkling – following your steps and the breeze does hum…

Even the thought of sweltering Mumbai summer fails, emerging din and bustles of the 'maximum' city fades, eyes dilate onto an invisible speck on the southern horizon of the extended bay - where the palm trees arise like brushes kissing across the sky lilting from darkness of night to twilight of dawn and all possible words fail to explain. What?

That. A catchy little humming on your lips… ho, hum, hmm…

Music is nothing, dear. Maybe it's more the moment - maybe it's not.

It's good that I never got to know the technicalities.
(Dedicated to the 'one who sits aglow, amidst yellow' ... for music's sake.)


firefly! said...

Aaah! SO this is where it originates! I WAS wondering.... very nicely written piece... im usually a lil wary of commenting on a blog like urs, way more thought-provoking than mine...

Unknown said...

1. It is the raw piece from your place - only a bit more barnished for superficiality's sake.

2. Thank you.

3. Don't be. Everything is arguably wrong. :D